at the plant Ummerstadt
On Saturday, 16th September 2017 Ros celebrated the end of summer at its summer party at the plant Ummerstadt.
This year Ros has come up with a culinary highlight as they booked the food truck of the so called BBQ-Crew. This food truck provided the employees with delicious burgers and fries. The ice truck from Kunzelmann brought delicious farmyard icecream to the Ros-plant. In addition to this variety of delicious food, there was a huge choice of beverages. A highlight on this day was the raffle and the opportunity to get to know the changes at the plant during a guided tour.
More than 100 employees followed the invitation and ensured that this party was a complete success. Especially the workforce in Ummerstadt was pleased that so many colleagues of the plant in Coburg have made their way and showed great interest in the site.